X-HEEP Workshop: Enabling rapid and sustainable RISC-V based research using open source HW and SW

Palacio De Congresos Palacio De Congresos, Valencia, Spain

As our world becomes more interconnected and reliant on digital systems, the need for transparency, accessibility, and collaborative innovation in hardware and software design has become paramount. Closed and proprietary solutions often limit user sovereignty and control, hinder interoperability, and stifle innovation by locking users into a specific ecosystem. In […]


Zoom ELG123, EPFL, Switzerland

The X-AGORA is a meeting space for all X-HEEP users, developers and fans. We show short 1-minute/1-slide presentations from different works. Anyone can present by adding the slides of their presentation to juan.sapriza@epfl.ch. The event is not restricted to ESL or EPFL, so feel free to share the link/invitation with […]



For details about presenting see this post Sign Up Join us on Zoom Slides from the last X-AGORA